California gay flag

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DANCE PARTIES & LGBTQ FUN SIX FLAGS MAGIC MOUNTAIN (SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA). According to myth, the Amazons used labryses (double-headed axes) as weapons, which is why the lesbian feminist community adopted the labrys as a symbol of. Official website for Out on the Mountain, the LGBTQ / Gay Night at Six Flags. Other versions were fabricated upon request, but never stocked. The labrys lesbian pride flag was designed in 1999 by graphic designer Sean Campbell, and it was first published in the Palm Springs edition of the Gay and Lesbian Times Pride issue.

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Inįact they were usually fabricated out of seconds. In both cases the flags could be fabricated from stock on hand to cut costs. Another version was the take a stock six striped rainbow flag and with the red stripe down, insert the California Bear, into the Rainbow field and then add a red star. One popular version, which we stocked, was to simply replace the star with an inverted triangle and to change the stripe to pink. maintained a flag shop on Polk St., a gay Mecca, in San Francisco, we made a variety of variants of the California state flag for gay customers. However, in the 11 years the Paramount Flag Co. One version of a gay flag based on the California state flag is shown above. Keywords: california | gay pride | rainbow |

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